5 Reasons to Ditch Commercial Potting Soil and DIY Your Own!

Good Potting Soil Is Critical Good potting soil is essential in gardening. Ask anyone that works in construction, it’s critical to start with a good foundation. If you don’t know anyone in construction, a quick review of the Leaning Tower of Pisa will likely convince you. Foundations matter… a lot. This is equally true when beginning…

The Sweet Life: The Homesteader’s Guide to DIY Vanilla Extract

It’s Time For A Change In an era dominated by mass-produced products with hidden additives, reclaiming control over what goes into our everyday essentials becomes a source of empowerment. For homesteading families, the journey toward self-sufficiency often begins in the heart of the home – the kitchen. Today, let’s explore the art of crafting homemade…

Are Quail the New Chicken?

The Grocery Store Only Offers Quail How many times have you said “the quail meat section in our local grocery story is too large”? Are you like so many others who are frustrated with how much space on your favorite restaurant’s menu is taken up by quail dishes, leaving no room for others? The beef,…

Backyard Chickens 101

A Backyard Chicken Renaissance Now, more than ever, people are considering raising their own backyard chickens.  Not since the victory gardens of WWII have so many people been interested in raising food in their back yard (aka backyard homesteading), but why? If you have been to the grocery store, you know why.  Prices on almost…

Why Homemade Soap is Better

Soap Is Soap… Except When It Isn’t? I went most of my adult life thinking that all soap is essentially the same, except for the smell and color.  I remember as a kid walking into the bathroom and smelling a fresh bar of soap my mother had put out and seeing the commercials on TV…

Free Heat for Your House in Winter

Repurposing Is the Road to Free The old saying is “the best things in life are free”. However, the reality is that very few things are free anymore.  When it comes to heat, this is especially true this winter season as people cut down thermostats and look to trim expenses.  This year heating prices across…

DIY Christmas Gifts

Bespoke Christmas Gifts are “in” If you have someone in your life that is difficult to buy for, then personalized or “bespoke” gifts are a great idea.  Maybe they are difficult to shop for because they have everything under the sun or maybe they are not a “stuff” kind of person when it comes to…

How to Build a DIY Stacked Quail Hutch

Finding ways to raise your own food in a small suburban space or even in the city is tough.  You need animals that are small enough to go unnoticed in a backyard or even in a garage and not many fit that description.  Also, many people don’t want to spend tons of money to have…

Feed Shortages? Comfrey To The Rescue!

In a time where grain and animal feed shortages are occurring, comfrey may be the plant to look to. First Let’s Talk About What Comfrey Is Don’t feel bad if you don’t know what comfrey is.  Despite having been cultivated for at least 2,600 years that we know of, very few people have ever heard…

How to Fix a Split Beak on Your Chicken

Fixing a split beak can be easy for your chicken if you know what to do. Split Happens (Beaks that is) A chicken’s beak is comprised of primarily keratin, the same tough and insoluble protein you’d find in a hoof, antlers, or fingernails. It allows animals to have a durable and constantly regenerating part of…